Locinox SWITCHSTONE-STD-X-230 2 channel relay module
Product Code: SWITCHSTONE-STD-X-230
2-channel relay module with a Common, Fail Open and Fail Close contact.
View more2-channel relay module with a Common, Fail Open and Fail Close contact.
View moreThe SwitchStone-STD relay module has been developed to work in combination with devices such as the SlimStone-X keypad.
The SwitchStone-STD ensures maximum security thanks to 2 external relays, both with a Common, Fail Open and Fail Close contact. These relays are capable of switching voltages up to 250V AC/26V DC, allowing them to be used in a wide range of applications, including switching lighting.
Free exit functionality can be easily implemented using the 2 inputs on the module.
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