Toona above ground swing gate automation kit & wireless audio intercom with keypad bundle offer
Automation kit for gate up to 3m per leaf and wireless audio Intercom bundle (gate intercom wireless)
Automation kit for gate up to 3m per leaf and wireless audio Intercom bundle (gate intercom wireless)
Toonakit - Gate Intercom Wireless - 3 swing gate automation kit includes:
Wireless audio intercom kit includes:
Reliable: durability thanks to the housing, made up of two tough aluminium shells with polyester paint finish; more resistant to atmospheric agents. Internal moving parts completely in steel, light alloys and technopolymers.
Silent: patented layout of internal parts and lead nut in bronze.
Generously sized and practical connection compartment: rapid and easy access from above to internal parts located in the upper section of the ram motor.
Simple installation and maintenance; with built-in capacitor
Recommended control units: Mindy A6F, A60, A700F; for TO4024 Moonclever MC824H.
24 Vdc version with magnetic encoder.
Perfect for intensive use, compatible with the control unit Moonclever MC824H:
Simple programming, by means of a single key;
Self-learning of opening and closing limit positions;
Automatic fault diagnostics;
Programming of pause time;
Pedestrian pass door;
Deceleration on opening and closing;
Obstacle detection with dual technology;
Operation in event of power failure by means of optional rechargeable batteries (PS324);
Provision for connection of latest generation resistive
Long range wireless intercom:250 metres range or up to 400 metres in open field conditions
Voicemail: voicemail message features for visitors to leave a message if you are not home
Modern design:curved modern profile and vandal resistant panel.
Surface mount
Lighting: back lighting illuminating the wall or pillar on which the panel is mounted on.
Stainless steel
Weatherproof design
Full 2 way speech
Volt free relay momentary output to control automatic gates or door lock, N/C and N/O
Reception indicator
Charging base for handset
Additional handsets available: up to 4 handsets per system
Maximum 2 door stations per system